M/s · Uncategorized

The Little Engine That Could

*NOTE* Going back and posting this now, October 10th (post started on August 30th). Because I failed. I'm not letting it get me down. I'll elaborate in my next post. ** I'm here! I'm doing it! Ha. I even had enough forethought to start this entry early and add my items each day (like I'm… Continue reading The Little Engine That Could

bdsm · M/s

Failure is not an option

So here we are, 13 days after my last positivity post (it'll be 14 by the time this posts), which means I should be on my second weekly post for Mommy. Clearly, I have failed. But I'm not going to let that upset me or get overwhelmed and decided fuck it, I won't do it… Continue reading Failure is not an option